Holger Wallbaum becomes new Co-chair of SDSN Northern Europe
Holger Wallbaum becomes new Co-chair of SDSN Northern Europe
We are pleased to announce that Holger Wallbaum, professor in sustainable building at Chalmers University of Technology, has accepted our invitation to become Co-chair of SDSN Northern Europe. We warmly welcome him to the network!
Holger Wallbaum is a full professor in Sustainable building and vice-dean for knowledge transfer and stakeholder relations at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology.
Holger Wallbaum, professor in sustainable building at Chalmers University of Technology is new co-chair of SDSN Northern Europe.
Photo: Chalmers University of Technology
With a solid academic background and extensive experience in his field, Wallbaum contributes to the construction sector by developing concepts, tools, and strategies that enhance the sustainability performance of construction materials, building products, buildings, and entire cities.
His main research interests include the ecological and economic life cycle assessment of construction materials, buildings, and infrastructures, sustainability assessment tools for buildings, social-cultural and climate adapted design concepts, the refurbishment of the building stock, as well as dynamic building stock modeling and its visualization. He collaborates closely with both industry and academia to promote innovative and sustainable building techniques.
Wallbaum is an elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and co-founder of two startup companies, one focused on housing renovation concepts and another on healthy and productive offices.
Holger Wallbaum has also been involved with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). He served as the leading author of the chapter on “Climate-neutral housing” in the report Housing 2030 on behalf of the UNECE, UN-Habitat and Housing Europe. His contributions to UN-Habitat underscore his commitment to addressing global sustainability challenges.
Holger Wallbaum has made significant contributions to the field of sustainable building and continues to drive forward research and innovation in this area. We are very pleased that he has accepted our offer to become Co-chair of SDSN Northern Europe and warmly welcome him to the network!
What does a Co-chair do?
SDSN Northern Europe is led by two Co-Chairs along with the Network Manager. The Co-Chairs and the Network Manager meet regularly to discuss the network's strategy, development, and activities.
The Co-Chairs are senior sustainable development leaders from the Northern Europe region. Besides Holger, Professor Katherine Richardson from the University of Copenhagen is the other Co-chair.
The Co-Chairs also contribute to the global network by participating in the UN SDSN Leadership Council meetings and the UN SDSN Network Strategy Council.