Member meetings | My new site

Member meetings

SDSN Northern Europe's member meetings are dynamic platforms providing insightful discussions, best practice sharing, and collective action for sustainable development. Join us to connect with fellow change-makers, learn from thought leaders, and contribute with your perspectives on the topic. Explore upcoming meetings and past outcomes that shape our journey toward sustainable development.

Meeting format

Our primary meeting format is engaging webinars, providing accessible and interactive opportunities for members to connect, learn, and contribute to discussions. Depending on the topic, we invite one or more speakers from either our members, global SDSN, or other prominent sustainability organisations.

Previous themes

Our past member meetings have covered a range of compelling themes, from "Inter- and trans-disciplinary and co-creation" to "Academic flying" offering diverse perspectives on critical sustainability challenges. The speakers have enriched our discussions with their expertise and insights, contributing to the depth and breadth of our dialogues. 

The changing sustainability landscape in a world of increasing uncertainty and societal division

  • Åsa Ström Hildestrand, Senior Manager at Nordregio:Localising Agenda 2030 in the Nordics – highlights and learnings from the coming Nordic Voluntary Sub-National Review
  • Maria Cortes-Puch, Vice President of Networks at the global UN SDSN: Does polarization, misrepresentations and conspiracies hamper our opportunities to implement the SDGs? - Negative and positive narratives of the SDGs
  • Gabriel Wikström, former Swedish National Coordinator for Agenda 2030: Coordinating the sustainability transformation of Sweden – Challenges and opportunities

Education for sustainable development

  • Juan-Miguel Diaz Castro and Megumi Iwata, researchers in the TESTEd project, University of Oulu: Towards a European Syllabus in teacher education – Presentation about TESTEd, a European project carried out in Finland, Ireland, Germany, Spain & Portugal
  • Mattias Sundemo, PhD student and sustainability coordinator, School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg: Effects of integrating sustainability into Business and Economics education (in Sweden) 
  • John Barimo, Manager of SDSN Ireland at University College Cork: Enriching your curriculum through the lens of the SDGs

Light pollution and the Dark Sky Week

  • Dan-Erik Nilsson, University of Lund: Natural light gradients and toxic light 
  • Johan Eklöf, Enviroplanning and Nattbakka Natur: Bats, insects, and light pollution – How we slowly kill the night 

Inter- and Trans-disciplinary education for sustainable development

  • Patrick Paul Walsh (SDSN, SDG Academy): SDG Academy – A free, high-quality source of resources and guidance on education for the SDGs
  • Kristina Jönsson and Ylva Van Meeningen (Lund University): The Agenda 2030 Graduate School – A research school and collaborative platform for issues related to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development
  • Astrid Skjerven (Oslo Metropolitan University): Innovation for Sustainability – A new interdisciplinary, applied and project-oriented PhD programme at Oslo MET
  • Stefan Holmlid (Linköping University): Just Transitions Graduate School – A recently financed graduate school focusing on just climate transition

Results from the COP 15 meeting in Montreal and what we as knowledge institutions can do to turn around the biodiversity crises

  • Jonas Kittelsen (Nordic Youth representative at COP 15): Positions and reflections post-COP15 from Nordic Youth and the Global Youth Biodiversity Network
  • Inger Elisabeth Måren (University of Bergen): COP 15 – What now?
  • Emily Stott (University of Oxford): Nature Positive Universities Alliance - How can Nordic universities get involved?
  • Olof Drakenberg (Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg): Research and policy engagement for a green transition – experiences from North-South and South-South collaboration

Academic Flying and the means of communication

  • Kristian Bjørkdahl (University of Oslo): Academic Flying and the Means of Communication: Is aero mobility a mix of romance and a necessity to ‘stay in the game’?
  • Elina Eriksson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology): Who gets to fly and how do scholars’ reason about air travel?

Sustainable Lifestyles - What can SDSN Northern Europe members do?

  • Göran Finnveden (KTH Royal Institute of Technology): Overview presentation of SDG 12 and sustainable consumption and production. What is being done in the Nordics and what can SDSN members do?
  • Robert Didham (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences): Education for Sustainable Lifestyles: making personal connections with sustainable development
  • Carolina Yang (Stockholm Environment Institute): One Planet Network Sustainable Lifestyles & Education Programme
  • Alessandro Galli (Global Footprint Network) and Sandra Caeiro (University of Aberta): The EUSTEPs University Footprint calculator: a tool to guide HEIs sustainability practices

Challenge and action-oriented learning - engaging students in sustainability work

  • Gavin McCrory (Chalmers University of Technology): Chalmers Challenge-Lab
  • Janna Pietkäinen and Michiru Nagatsu (University of Helsinki): HELSUS Co-Creation Lab
  • Zhanna Kravchenko (Södertörn University): Challenge-driven Project Management for Sustainable Development

Climate urgency – What can SDSN Northern Europe members do?

  • Panel discussion led by the Climate Students, including: Francesco Fuso-Nerini (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Andreas Ytterstad (Oslo Metropolitan University), and Thomas Stridsland (Aarhus University)
  • Fredrik Högberg (University of Gothenburg): Carbon budget in an organisation – as applied at University of Gothenburg

Sustainability communication in HEIs

  • Sofia Gesang, Intern and Nina Silow (the SDSN Northern Europe secretariat): Analysis of Sustainability Communication among SDSN Northern Europe Universities

Digital solutions replacing academic travel during the corona pandemic – what can we learn?

  • Emil Planting Mollaoglu (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU): Experiences from SLU.
  • Hanna Karlsson (Karolinska Institutet, KI): Experiences from KI
  • Göran Finnveden (KTH, Royal Institute of Technology): Perspectives and reflections on changes in the university travel policies over time

Global platforms for university sustainability monitoring, reporting, and ranking

  • Dr. Tahl Kestin (Network Manager SDSN Australia, New Zealand and Pacific): Global platforms for sustainability monitoring, reporting, and ranking

Success factors and barriers for Inter- and Trans-disciplinary, and Co-creation in research

  • Eeva Furman (Finnish Environment Institute): Multi-, Inter-, and Trans-disciplinarity, and Co-creation – definitions and applications
  • Jan Riise (Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development): Experiences from the MISTRA Urban Futures project
  • Gro Sandkjær Hanssen (Oslo Metropolitan University): Experiences from the GOVRISK project
  • Malin Gawell (Södertörn University): Experiences from the REINVENT project
  • Lillian Baltzrud (The Research Council of Norway): The funding perspective on Transdisciplinary Research
  • Birgitte Holter (Yara Climate Neutral Solutions): The role of Multi-, Inter- and Trans disciplinarity when developing sustainable solutions for low GHG agriculture


Navigate to video: Are we burning the bridges? How to accelerate sustainable transformations
Video (01:32)
Are we burning the bridges? How to accelerate sustainable transformations
Navigate to video: Sustainable Development from a Nordic Perspective - a panel discussion
Video (42:15)
Sustainable Development from a Nordic Perspective - a panel discussion